How to Feel Fuller. The Secret Lies With High Satiety Foods.

People who diet often wonder how to feel fuller. After all, since most traditional diets have a lot of limitations on what/how much you can/cannot eat, hunger is going to be a major obstacle to cross.

But there are ways to feel fuller, especially when dieting and the answer is eating high satiety foods. What are high satiety foods? They are basically foods which has a high satisfaction value when eaten, meaning the higher the satiety, the longer you feel full.

Now every food has a high satiety value labeled with it. These labels are numbers. The higher the number, the higher the satiety. But there are foods which contain a small amount of calories, and a high level of satiety. This means if you eat these foods, you’ll be eating less calories, but feeling fuller each time. And in the long run, this will equate to weight loss without the side effects.

Here is an example of 4 foods which have the same amount of calories (240 per serving), but a completely different satiety value:

  • Oatmeal: 209
  • French Fries: 116
  • Cooked potato: 323
  • Doughnut: 69

Measuring these foods up, if you ate oatmeal for breakfast, you’d feel and be nearly 3 times fuller than if you ate a doughnut. And eating a cooked potato is much more satisfying than eating french fries. Same amount of calories, yet a completely different span of satisfaction. 

Obviously the types of foods you eat which are classified as carbs, proteins, fats also matter, but when making food choices especially based on weight loss, the higher the satiety value, the better your results will be. If calories in vs calories out is the biggest indicator of weight loss, then using this approach to dieting may be the permanent solution you are looking for. 

Performing diets while eating high satiety foods:

Ideally, when performing a diet, if you can maintain a 100% high satiety diet, you should be able to see results rather quickly, especially if those foods are low in calories. Obviously to do this, you would need to have a list at your disposal! There are literally 100’s of high satiety foods around, but here are just some examples to get you started: 


High satiety food list examples:


Blueberries, tangerines, plums, prunes, blackberries, cherries, pineapple, strawberries, oranges, grapes, pears, peaches. 


Bacon strips, shrimp, flounder, turkey, ham, beans, baked beans, pinto beans, catfish, sea bass, lean chicken, eggs (hard boiled, scrambled).


Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts.


Lettuce, peas, beets, celery, artichoke, onions, parsley, cucumber, eggplant, tomatoes, spinach.

These are just a few examples to help you get going if you wish to do a high satiety diet. Make sure to never used any kind of toppings when making meat or fish. Stick to lean meat and eat snacks in between such as nuts or servings of fruits. The rule of thumb when eating these foods is: Keep it as basic as possible, meaning if you’re making fish, just make it as standard as possible without adding any kinds of condiments on it or marinating it. 

An accelerated high satiety diet:

While the standard way of doing a high satiety diet is good, some people prefer to have faster results. One such way is through a dieting approach called calorie shifting, in which every meal you have has a different amount of calories and you keep changing up your eating routines. This process creates an effect which raises your metabolism & fat burning. This accelerates the weight loss effect. What happens is this:

  • You will be eating high satiety foods, which you already know have few calories, but a higher satisfaction feeling. This will cause the initial weight loss.
  • The calorie shifting effect will take it much further.

Under calorie shifting, you can usually lose 1 or more pounds a day, but when the high satiety foods are added to the mix, the results go much further. How much further? 15 pounds in 10 days if used through this diet. 

Certainly you can try this on your own, but a specialized calorie shifting + high satiety diet is highly recommended to experience optimal results and for that, there is no diet better than this. It’s actually the #1 rated diet on this website and through it there are nearly 200 high satiety foods available. 

What about long term results? 

Believe it or not, but results from this form of dieting do last long term, if done right, and the diet recommended above does show you how to do this. If you prefer to do it on your own, it’s better to try just the regular approach. Calorie shifting is great, but it’s better, especially if you’re a first timer to use some sort of guide to ensure success. 

Either way, if you’re still wondering how to feel fuller when dieting or just in general, know high satiety foods are the answer to this! And as you saw in the food list above, there are many choices in addition to many regular everyday foods that have the high satisfaction component. 

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